Selasa, 27 September 2011

Top 7 Ways Document Imaging Will Benefit Your Business

Anyone with a scanner knows how to scan a document. However, using document scanning to take care of all of your businesses old paperwork is a bit more involved than simply scanning in all the paper, which is also handled a bit differently than using a simple scanner. That’s why having a professional document imaging company come in and scan all your paperwork will save you a lot of hassle, not to mention time and money.

Here are 7 ways document scanning will improve the way you do business:

You’ll save money on storage buildings or can convert storage space for old paperwork into usable space.

You’ll have the ability to put all of your old paperwork on your local area network for ease of access. This can make a huge difference for doctors, dentists, lawyers and any other business who keeps detailed records on patients or clients.

Files are much easier to find in an electronic format instead of digging through boxes to find a particular file. Since the files are store electronically, after accessing the necessary paperwork, it can’t get misfiled in a box and be lost.

Documents scanned in can be faxed or emailed as fast if not faster than standard paperwork can.

If a copy of a paper document is required, it is a simple matter to click the print button from a word processor or graphics program instead of having to locate the document in a box and copy it manually.

The fire hazard that boxes of paperwork poses is eliminated.

Backup copies of the scanned documents can be stored at an online backup service, or physical copies of the CD’s or DVD’s can be placed in a bank safety deposit box for offsite storage. This means in case of flood, fire or other disaster, you can recover all of your files immediately.

Document scanning is an easy way to begin the process of eliminating as much paper in your business as possible. Eliminating as much paper as possible in the workplace is more economical as well as being very ecologically friendly since trees are required to produce paper. Not only are you reducing the carbon footprint of the business because paper isn’t being thrown away, but the trees saved creates more oxygen for our planet.

Document scanning is the first, best step in this process because you’re converting all the old paperwork into an electronic format. This saves time because documents are much easier to find and saves money because you eliminate storage fees. All that’s left after that is to change the business practices that uses paper which, while a change for many, isn’t a change that is difficult to accomplish.

Peder Fortuna started using a document scanning service in New York City for his business and found that it is a great way to save space by having all of your documents put into digital images. U.S. Scanning can help with their safe and simple document imaging services.

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