Rabu, 28 September 2011

Choosing the right eCommerce Software

As an eCommerce software specialist, Exact Abacus understands that when choosing your eCommerce software selecting the right one for your company is imperative. Getting this wrong and choosing a system that doesn’t best suit your needs or the needs of your company can result in a bad user experience, not having the stock in when it is required and will discourage people from visiting again.

However, getting this right and choosing the right eCommerce software can complement your business, resulting in a user friendly and well optimised site, one that will encourage repeat custom and increase your online purchases. Exact Abacus recognises that there are fundamental features that contribute to getting this right and before purchasing your eCommerce software, make sure you ask yourself if your new software will provide you with the following essential attributes;

- Firstly, you will need to select an eCommerce software package that will enable integration with other top of the range products for search, merchandising, basket conversion and navigation. An Open Platform is recommended, you don’t want to ‘lock-in’ to a proprietary platform.

- Ensuring that there is a built in or integrated back office system is key, stock control and order management processes will define the user experience. If this is easy to use and you are able to provide customers with what they want while affording an enjoyable experience, you will find that you will increase your sales and encourage return visits while improving your online reputation.

- Content and SEO Management capabilities should be easily managed within a simple to use interface, including easily edited pages, text/image content and metadata. Regularly adding content is important as it shows that a site is being frequently updated and that the information is current, this doesn’t need to be a lengthy and time consuming process.

- PCI Compliant – the software should have secure integration with a proven payment gateway that supports ‘token’ authorisations and settlement.

- Finally, your vendor should be as serious about eCommerce as you are about your business. Always choose a vendor with eCommerce experience, there are major differences between CMS and eCommerce platforms and getting this wrong will be detrimental to your business.

Checking these simple elements before purchasing your new eCommerce software can assist you in making the right decision about which system will best support and advance the way your business operates.
The 3ex.net eCommerce software by Exact Abacus combines easy management and cost efficiency for the business while equally focusing on user experience and enjoyable navigation for the user.


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